#85 Amy Wolff [Confront the Limits of Your Love]
Are you quick to judge and dismiss people who aren’t like you? If someone believes, votes or thinks differently than you, are they your enemy?
Amy is sharing her story of her unlikely friendship with a woman who is very different than she is. It started with a prompting from God for Amy to be in the world, hate her own sin more than everyone else’s, and to love in a radically different way than our culture teaches.
You’ll hear us talk about…
- Disagreement without judgement
- How empathy does not mean endorsement
- Having hard, messy conversations
- Sharing Jesus with your life more than your words
Amy Wolff is a speaker coach and President of Distinction Communication, a training firm out of Portland, OR. Amy is also a TEDx speaker coach for TEDxPortland, one of the top ten TEDx organizations in the world. When Amy’s not with clients, she’s running a nonprofit she accidentally started in 2017, the Don’t Give Up Movement, and cheering obnoxiously loud at her daughters' at soccer games. She is also known to obsess over house plants and vacuum lines in her carpet.
The Myth We’re Divided – Not All of Us
Amy's Favorite 5
HOT baths
The Journey from Text to Translations
Getting Up Before the Family to Read Scripture
Connect with Amy
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Summer of Friendship

Summer is coming and I'll be doing something a little different on the podcast. During June, July and August, I'll be releasing mini episodes of Girls Talking Life all about friendship! These bite-sized shows will encourage you to prioritize connection, make new friends and deepen your existing friendships.
To go along with this series, I'm hosting a Summer Friendship Challenge.
If you're ready to dig in with intentionality this summer, I'd love it if you'd join me! Each week of the challenge, you'll get an email with a practical action step to help you cultivate community, create meaningful connections and build lasting friendships.