#133 [How To Love Your Neighbors] with Twyla Franz

How well do you know the people who live close to you? How well do you love them?

Jesus tells us to love our neighbor as ourselves, but how do we actually do that?

Missional neighboring advocate Twyla Franz is on the show today helping us get closer to Jesus and grow deep, missional friendships with our neighbors.

You’ll hear us talk about…

  • What missional living is

  • What it means to be visible and interruptible

  • How humility and curiosity can deepen friendships

  • Overcoming the obstacles – introverted, busy, lack of space - to missional neighboring

Twyla Franz is a big believer in baby steps and ripple-effect living. An Enneagram 9 learning to live open. She loves front-yard conversations with neighbors, chalk-painted furniture, and Yogi’s blueberry tea. As a missional neighboring guide, she helps others get close to Jesus and grow deep, missional friendships with neighbors.

Find her words (written and recorded) on twylafranz.com. Other places Twyla writes include (in)courage, Relevant, Her View From Home, and The Grit and Grace Project. She also hosts Begin Within: A Gratitude Series to encourage year-round gratitude (because gratitude, she says, has a ripple effect).

I had the privilege of writing for Twyla’s gratitude series! You can read my article here.


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Custom art by Connie Lawson connects your needs and your heart with her paintbrush; to bring to life a moment, memory, season of grief, or of joy. Visit Weeds Seeds and Beautiful Things to choose a print from the pieces she’s already created or to begin the conversation with Connie about the design of your custom piece.


#134 [Your Friendship Can Save the World] with Carrie Stephens


#132 [You Can Live With Purpose] with Shawna Sullivan